
东华大学学报:英文版 杂志社







   记表(下载)和文章一并发至邮箱 JDHUENGED@dhu.edu.cn


   论文必须包括(1)论文题目;(2)作者姓名(作者姓名后加上中文名字,如ZHANG Hua-de (张华德));







   正文部分应有大标题,如Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion等等,



   重量单位用g, kg,不能用英镑等等,物理量(变量)用斜体,向量、矩阵用黑斜体,变量中的上下角标应注


   文中的Table和Figure应放在文中的适当之处,用Table 1和Fig. 1等表示,先见文字后见图表,不要放在文






(1)期刊:  [序号] 作者.题名[J].期刊名称,出版年份,卷号(期号):页-页.

(2)书:   [序号] 作者.书名[M].版次(初版不写),出版单位,出版地点,出版年份:页-页.

(3)会议论文:[序号] 作者.论文名[C].会议名,会议地点,年份:页-页.

(4)专利文献:[序号] 专利申请者或所有者. 专利题名: 专利国别, 专利编号[P]. 公告日期或公布日期.

(5)学位论文:[序号] 作者. 文章名[D]. 地点: 学校名称, 年份: 页-页.

(6)国际、国家标准:[序号] 标准编号,标准名称[S].

(7)电子文献:[序号] 作者.电子文献题名[电子文献类型/标识](类型:数据库用DB,计算机程



注:文献作者3名以内全部列出,4名以上则列前3名,后加et al.多个作者中间用逗点或and相连。期刊名用斜体,



Information for Authors


  Papers submitted for publication should be new publications. Prior Publication in Conference proceedings of an abstract, summary, or other abbreviated, preliminary form of an abstract, summary, or other abbreviated, preliminary form of material shall not preclude publication in this journal when notice of such prior or concurrent publication given at the same time of submission. Papers should cover scientific and technical subjects, and they may report fundamental theoretical or experimental investigations, developments in textiles and related disciplines. All papers are refereed to ensure quality.


  The typical length of papers is between 5 to 10 pages of the Journal (3 000 to 5 000 words), but longer papers are acceptable when this is needed for a proper presentation of the material. When possible, illustrations should also be supplied on disk, preferably as a separate file from the text. Disks should be clearly marked with the name (s) of the authors and the file name, together with the version of the software being used. Disks should be sent with the final revised manuscript, and not the original submission. Material submitted for consideration by the editor should be addressed to Journal of Donghua University, 1882 west Yan-an Road, Shanghai, 200051, China.


  The submission of a paper will imply that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the Publisher. Requests for permission to reproduce illustrations or extracts from the text should be addressed to the Journal. Authors may reproduce the whole or part of their papers for use in their personal teaching or technical work, and may include illustrations or extracts from their work in books or reviews articles that they write.

Arrangements of papers

  You should arrange your contribution in the following order:

  1 Paper title, author's name, affiliation, full postal address. Affiliations and address of co-authors should be clearly

   indicated. The title should be short, specific and informative. Acknowledement of financial support may be given if


  2 Self-contained abstract of approximately 100 words, outlining in a single paragraph the aims, scope and conclusions of

   the paper; four keywords or so, for indexing purposes.

  3 The text, suitably divided under headings.

  4 Acknowledgements (if any).

  5 References (double spaced, and following the journal style).

  6 Appendix (if any).

Style of text

  Subdivide your paper in the simplest way possible, consistent with clarity. Headings and subheadings for different sections of the paper should be clearly indicated. Do not number the sections. Ensure that all figures and tables are mentioned in the text, and that all references are cited in number order. The presentation of tables, graphs and formulae should be kept to an absolute minimum and where possible the results from a series of investigations should be in table form or as a graph. The same data should not be presented in both tables and figures or given in the text. The preferred positions for all figures and tables should be indicated in the manuscript by the authors.

Units and abbreviations

  All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit. Use of symbols and abbreviations must in general conform with that of ISO 31: specification for Quantities, Units, and Symbols.

Mathematical and technical setting

  Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the page. The meaning of all symbols should be explained in the text where they first occur. Journal style for letter symbols is as follows: variables, italic type; constants, roman type; matrices and vectors, bold type.


  Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and given a suitable caption. All table columns should have an explanatory heading, and, where appropriate, Units of measurement. Avoid the use of vertical rules. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, e.g, in graphs. A table is usually more effective than a graph or a paragraph of text for recording data.


  All graphs, photographs, diagrams and other drawings should be referred to as Figures and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Illustrations should be provided in camera ready form, suitable for reduction without touching. They will be photographically reduced in size, typically to fit one or two columns of the Journal (approximately 80 or 170 mm), and this should be borne in mind to ensure that lines and lettering remain clear and do not break up on reduction. The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings; label curves, etc. with single-letter symbols (i.e. a, b, c, etc. ) and place descriptive matter in the figure caption. Scale grids should not be used in graph unless required for actual measurements. Graph axes should be labeled with the variable written out in full, along the length of the axis, with the unit in parentheses (for example, length of sample (mm)). Lower case letters should be used throughout, with an initial capital letter for the first word only. Line original drawings on the tracing paper or white art paper. All required lettering and labeling should be marked on the photograph. Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable. Color photographs are not acceptable. Authors should note that illustrations will not be returned unless specifically requested.


  In the text, indicate reference to the literature by superior Arabic numerals in brackets which run consecutively through the paper. If you cite a reference more than once in the text, use the same number each time. Reference should follow the style in the Journal. Please ensure that references are complete, i.e., that they include, where relevant, author's name, journal or book title, year of publication, volume number (issue number), page number. If in doubt, please include all available information.